FONSECA GUIMARAENS Port Wine vintage 2018

Kód: V1081
Značka: Fonseca Port
1 377 Kč / ks 1 836 Kč / 1 l
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Téměř neprůhledná nachová barva s fialovým okrajem a vysokou viskozitou.

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Téměř neprůhledná nachová barva s fialovým okrajem a vysokou viskozitou. Koncentrovaná a neuvěřitelně svůdná vůně ukazuje tóny pečeného borůvkového koláče, zralých višní, eleganci a vyrovnanost. Mohutná uhlazená chuť s čistým projevem ovocnosti evokuje ostružiny a černý rybíz, čokoládu a sladké koření zahalené do voňavé aury fialek a sladkosti. Postupně se rozvíjí lékořice, pražená káva, kterou doplňuje sametová tříslovina. Jemná chuť bobulovin vytrvává k dlouhém závěru.





In certain years when there is no classic Fonseca Vintage Port, a Guimaraens Vintage Port may be made instead. Guimaraens Vintage Ports nevertheless share the origins, heritage and complex fruity style of the classic Fonseca vintages and are drawn from the produce of the same three estates. They differ only in that they are more approachable, ready to drink earlier.

  • Fonseca Porto BOTTLE LAIN DOWN


  • Fonseca Porto VEGAN

  • Fonseca Porto 16oC - 18 oC

Guimaraens Vintage

In certain years when there is no classic Fonseca Vintage Port, a Guimaraens Vintage Port may be made instead.

When Guimaraens Vintage Ports were first released in the 1930's they were made in the same years as the classic Fonseca Vintage Ports but blended from slightly less powerful components, much like the second wines of the Bordeaux châteaux.

Today Guimaraens Vintage Ports are made in years when the wines are more supple and early maturing and Fonseca in vintages producing bigger, more long lasting Ports.

Guimaraens Vintage Ports nevertheless share the origins, heritage and complex fruity style of the classic Fonseca vintages and are drawn from the produce of the same three estates. They differ only in that they are more approachable, ready to drink earlier and more accessibly priced.

Tasting Notes

Almost impenetrable purple-black color in the center, with a narrow violet band at the rim. The nose is dense and compact, with impressive depth and structure. The fruit quality is excellent, a delicious blend of red and black fruit aromas mixed with dark chocolate notes, hallmarks of Fonseca vintages. Surrounding this core of powerful, complex fruit is an aura of balsamic and minty aromas. While the nose is sumptuous and seductive, there is an attractive, firm side provided by graphite and a fine minerality.

The first impression on the palate is one of silky smoothness, but the tannins suddenly explode on the palate with assertive pungency and a thread of acidity that runs through the palate to provide lively freshness. There is an abundance of fresh berry fruit flavors that linger through to the long finish. This excellent Guimaraens Vintage exhibits vigor and depth, yet is supple and expressive enough to be drunk early.


Notes on Viticultural Year

The character of the 2018 wines was influenced by an unusual and occasionally challenging viticultural year. After a very hot and dry 2017, by mid-January, 56% of Portugal, particularly the northeast, was declared to be in severe drought. Fortunately, March was very wet and the heavy rains, totaling 223 mm in Pinhao, filled the groundwater reserves that came to prove vital during the ripening period. By the end of June the weather remained cold and wet, causing mildew in some vineyards, and hail storms on May 28th caused extensive damage to some properties in the Pinhao region.

The vineyard cycle was about three weeks behind the previous year, with the painter arriving only in late July. The weather in July was dry and relatively mild, but August saw the arrival of intensely hot weather, with temperatures well above 40° C in the Upper Douro in the early days of August. The heat allowed the cycle to recover, and although the hot weather continued, the large amount of moisture in the soil resulted in an even and balanced ripening of the grapes.

The harvest started at Quinta do Panascal da Fonseca in the Távora valley and its properties in the Pinhao valley, Cruzeiro and Santo António, in the week of September 22nd and was carried out in warm and dry conditions. The young wines had a deep color and stood out for the freshness of the fruit and excellent acidity.


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Portugalská vína
Záruka: 6
Značka: Fonseca
Oblast původu: Porto
Barva vína: Portské víno
Odrůda: Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roris, Tinta Barroca
Ročník: 2018
Klasifikace: Port DOC (Declared Vintage Port)
Obsah alkoholu: 20 %
Obsah cukru: sladké
Párování: samostatně, sýry, čokoládové dezerty
Objem: 0,75 l
Země původu: Portugalsko

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Nevyplňujte toto pole:
Fonseca oslavila v roce 2015 200 let od založení a je od počátku jedním z nejprestižnějších, nejobdivovanějších a velmi konzistentních výrobců portských vín. Od legendárního Vintage Port ročníku 1840, který byl prvním ročníkovým portským, je stále prodáván pod původním názvem Fonseca. Tento ročník nastartoval proud nádherných ročníkových portských, která pokračují dodnes. Jsou mezi nimi takové ikonycké ročníky jako Fonseca 1868 a mimořádné ročníky 1927, 1948, 1977 a 1994, všechna čtyři mimo jiné obdržela 100 bodů.

 Manoel Pedro Gonçalves Guimaraens a jeho bratr João Gonçalves Salgueiro založili společnost v roce 1822, kdy koupí většiny akcií získali kontrolu nad společnostmi Fonseca a Monteiro vlastněné rodinou Fonseca. Podmínkou prodeje akcií společnosti Fonseca bylo, zachování názevu obchodního názvu a značky Fonseca. David Guimaraens, pra-pra-pra-vnuk zakladatele Manuela Pedra, je hlavním vinařem od roku 1994 a dohlíží na výrobu a míchání všech čtyř portských domů Taylor Fladgate: Taylor Fladgate, Fonseca Guimaraens, Croft a Delaforce.